WOTC Questions: Is WOTC Required?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit “WOTC” subject matter experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website and through the webcasts we attend. This week’s WOTC Question comes from one of our recent webinars:

Is a new employee required to complete the WOTC forms?

CMS says: The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is voluntary program that has been around since 1978. An employee may refuse to complete the WOTC forms 8850, and 9061 with no adverse impact to them.

We recommend including the Work Opportunity Tax Credit forms (either electronically, by phone, or paper) as part of your onboarding new hire paperwork. This should help compliance rates.

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In our 20+ years of providing WOTC Screening and Administration we’ve saved millions for our customers. Don’t miss out!

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See all the WOTC Questions or our WOTC F.A.Q.