Work Opportunity Tax Credit WOTC Target Groups

Understanding the Work Opportunity Tax Credit’s Target Groups: Long-Term Family Assistance Recipient (TANF)

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as #WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from disadvantaged groups of workers. Including WOTC Screening can save an employer significant amounts of money. WOTC Screening is used to determine if a new hire is a member of one of the Work Opportunity Tax[…]

Work Opportunity Tax Credit WOTC Target Groups

Understanding the Work Opportunity Tax Credit’s Target Groups: Long-Term Family Assistance Recipient

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as #WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from disadvantaged groups of workers. Including WOTC Screening can save an employer significant amounts of money. WOTC Screening is used to determine if a new hire is a member of one of the Work Opportunity Tax[…]

Work Opportunity Tax Credit WOTC Target Groups

Understanding WOTC’s Target Groups: Long-Term Family Assistance Recipient

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as #WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from disadvantaged groups of workers. Including WOTC Screening can save an employer significant amounts of money. WOTC Screening is used to determine if a new hire is a member of one of the Work Opportunity Tax[…]


WOTC Questions: When referring to target groups, how does a Long-Term Family Assistance recipient differ from a TANF recipient?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box that we try to answer: When referring to target groups, how does a Long-Term Family Assistance recipient differ from a TANF recipient? CMS Says: Hi, when it comes to the[…]


WOTC Questions: Does the WOTC apply only the qualified employee’s first year of employment or every year they work?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box that we try to answer: Does the WOTC apply only the qualified employee’s first year of employment or every year they work? CMS Says: Hello, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit[…]


WOTC Webinar: What’s new with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit?

CMS would like to invite you to join our resident Human Resources and Tax Credit Expert,  Brian Kelly, to find out what’s new with the Work Opportunity Tax Credits. Brian will review the following, and answer any questions you may have about this extremely valuable tax credit. What’s new with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit? […]

WOTC Target Groups: Long-Term Family Assistance Recipient

Target Group Name Long-Term Family Assistance Recipient Target Group Definition A member of a family who has received TANF for at least the last 18 consecutive months ending on the hire date; OR for any 18 months beginning after 8/5/97, and was hired within two years of the 18th month; OR stopped being eligible for[…]