WOTC Questions: Do you offer training to employers who want to do the screening themselves?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box:

CMS Says: While we do offer screening services, and that’s what most of our customers do. We have also offered webinars, and performed training for CPA Academy webinar guests, Chambers of Commerce and other in-person events. We can offer company training in-person, or online, on WOTC for a small fee. Contact us for more information or to receive a quote.

Contact CMS Today to Start Saving!

In our 21+ years of performing WOTC Screening and Administration we’ve saved millions for our customers.

Contact CMS today to start taking advantage. Call 800-517-9099, or click here to use our contact form to ask any questions.