WOTC Questions: How Long Is WOTC Active?

WOTC was recently threatened by the tax reform. Is it still active, and if yes, how long will it be active?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website. In the case of the above question, the sender did not provide their email address, so we were unable to reply directly to them. This is one of the more common questions (FAQ), so we thought we would share, and hopefully will help others too.

CMS Says: Yes, the employers we work with were able to breathe a sigh of relief when it became clear that WOTC was not going to be affected by the tax reform. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is currently active and available through December 31st, 2019. After that date, WOTC may either be renewed for another period, or perhaps permanently. In the event of WOTC expiring, CMS typically advises employers to continue screening since WOTC is typically renewed with a retroactive lookback period.

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In our 21+ years of performing WOTC Screening and Administration we’ve saved millions for our customers.

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