WOTC Questions: I am looking for a representative to come speak with my company about your services

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box that we try to answer:

I am looking for a representative to come speak with my company about your services.

CMS Says: Hi, we can occasionally do in-person events based on our availability. Most of our WOTC overviews take place online using GoToMeeting or Webex. Please feel free to contact us below to set up a time to speak with someone.

About Our WOTC Screening Services

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In over 20 years of providing valuable WOTC Screening and Administration services we’ve saved millions for our customers.

Contact CMS today to start taking advantage. Call 800-517-9099, or click here to use our contact form to ask any questions.