WOTC Wednesday: How many Work Opportunity Tax Credit Target Groups are there?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: How many WOTC Target Groups are there, and what do they represent?

CMS Responds: One of our most frequently asked questions is “How many WOTC Target Groups are there, and what do they represent?” WOTC is a federal program to initiate jobs so, the targeted groups are anywhere from Summer youth programs where we have people between ages of 16 and 18 years old getting them into the workforce in high unemployment areas. To military Vets who have been discharged from service. You as an employer, can get up to a $9,600 tax credit for hiring military personnel that has been discharged from service with a service connected disability. We want to get these folks back into the workforce. The other two largest categories are actually Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, TANF, and Supplemental Nutrition Program, SNAP or Food Stamps. Actually, if I take the Vets, the TANF folks and the SNAP recipients it represents about 80% of all the tax credits we get.


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