WOTC Wednesday: What Are the WOTC Screening Options That CMS Offers?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: What WOTC Screening Options Does CMS Offer?


CMS Responds: So, CMS actually offers three different screening methods. The first one being old-fashioned paper where they’re going and filling out the 8850 (and 9061) and sending them in to us.

The second service we provide is telecommunication – a call center that’s multi-lingual 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So, one of our representatives can actually perform the screening process via the phone, which is very popular.

And then our most-used screening option is our web-based portal. That’s a web portal that is made it very simple to use, the applicant can figure things out pretty simply. We do get a higher success rate of people using our web portal, and obtaining those tax credits.

So, I would say the number one way to screen employees is through our web portal.


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