Work Opportunity Tax Credit WOTC Target Groups

Understanding the Work Opportunity Tax Credit’s Target Groups: Qualified Long-Term Unemployment Recipient

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as #WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from disadvantaged groups of workers. Including WOTC Screening can save an employer significant amounts of money. WOTC Screening is used to determine if a new hire is a member of one of the Work Opportunity Tax[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: When Is The Best Time To Give the Applicant the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Survey?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: When Is The Best Time To Give the Applicant the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Survey? CMS Responds: “When Is The Best Time To Give the WOTC Survey To The Applicant?” Actually, when they are an applicant. The WOTC program does[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: How many Work Opportunity Tax Credit Target Groups are there?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: How many WOTC Target Groups are there, and what do they represent? CMS Responds: One of our most frequently asked questions is “How many WOTC Target Groups are there, and what do they represent?” WOTC is a federal program to[…]

WOTC Statistics 2022

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics for Iowa 2022

In 2022 the state of Iowa issued 36,552 Work Opportunity Tax Credit certifications. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from target groups, that include qualified Veterans, individuals on food stamps and more. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is available throughout the United States, and[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: On What IRS Tax Form is the WOTC Tax Credit Taken?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question:  On What IRS Tax Form is the WOTC Tax Credit Taken? CMS Responds:  “What Tax Form is the WOTC Tax Credit Taken?” It’s going to be on the IRS 5584 form (Work Opportunity Credit) where you claim your tax[…]

Work Opportunity Tax Credit WOTC Target Groups

Understanding the Work Opportunity Tax Credit’s Target Groups: Long-Term Family Assistance Recipient

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as #WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from disadvantaged groups of workers. Including WOTC Screening can save an employer significant amounts of money. WOTC Screening is used to determine if a new hire is a member of one of the Work Opportunity Tax[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: Is There a Limit to How Many Work Opportunity Tax Credits I Can Claim?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: Is There a Limit to How Many WOTC Tax Credits I Can Claim? CMS Responds: Is There a Limit to How Many WOTC Tax Credits I Can Claim Each Year? The good news is, is no, there’s no limit. Note[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: Can We Go Paperless with Work Opportunity Tax Credit Screening?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: Can We Go Paperless with the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Screening Process? CMS Responds: One of the WOTC questions we get is “Our office wants to go paperless. Can I switch to an online form than using paper forms?” And[…]

WOTC Wednesday CMS Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: What is the minimum wage for WOTC Tax Credit?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: What is the minimum wage for WOTC?   CMS Responds: “What Is The Minimum Wage An Employee Needs to Receive for My Company To Use this Tax Credit?” It’s not based on how much we’re paying the employee. It’s really[…]

WOTC Statistics 2022

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics for Oklahoma 2022

In 2022 the state of Oklahoma issued 38,266 Work Opportunity Tax Credit certifications. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from target groups, that include qualified Veterans, individuals on food stamps and more. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is available throughout the United States, and in[…]