Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics 2023

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics Michigan 2023

In 2023 the state of Michigan issued 83,775 Work Opportunity Tax Credit certifications. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from target groups, that include qualified Veterans, individuals on food stamps and more. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is available throughout the United States, and[…]

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics 2023

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics Illinois 2023

In 2023 the state of Illinois issued 109,432 Work Opportunity Tax Credit certifications. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from target groups, that include qualified Veterans, individuals on food stamps and more. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is available throughout the United States, and[…]

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics 2023

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics Ohio 2023

In 2023 the state of Ohio issued 122,392 Work Opportunity Tax Credit certifications. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from target groups, that include qualified Veterans, individuals on food stamps and more. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is available throughout the United States, and[…]

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics 2023

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics New York 2023

In 2023 the state of New York issued 101,295 Work Opportunity Tax Credit certifications. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from target groups, that include qualified Veterans, individuals on food stamps and more. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is available throughout the United States,[…]

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics 2023

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics Florida 2023

In 2023 the state of Florida issued 102,059 Work Opportunity Tax Credit certifications. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, known as WOTC, is a federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals from target groups, that include qualified Veterans, individuals on food stamps and more. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit is available throughout the United States, and[…]

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics Georgia - 2021

Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics for Georgia 2021

In 2021 the state of Georgia issued 80,549 Work Opportunity Tax Credit certifications. Georgia issued 3.87% of all WOTC Tax Credits in 2021, SNAP Recipient was Georgia’s highest tax credit target group with 89.63% of certifications for that category. See historical data on Georgia and the Work Opportunity Tax Credit.   About Our WOTC Screening[…]


Work Opportunity Tax Credit Statistics 2021

MARCH 2021 – The latest statistics for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit from 2021 have recently been released by the U.S. Department of Labor, and the data shows that a total of 2,081,474 total Work Opportunity Tax Credits were issued in the United States in 2021. This represents an almost 28% increase over previous years 2020 (1,620,806[…]

WOTC Wednesday FAQ Brian Kelly

WOTC Wednesday: What is the Most Popular Category or Target Group for WOTC?

CMS’s Brian Kelly answers your questions about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. Today’s WOTC Wednesday question: What is the Most Popular Category or Target Group for WOTC? CMS Responds: It’s actually a pretty easy question. SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/Food Stamps) represents 65% of all the tax credits we get because of people that are[…]

WOTC Statistics 2019

Work Opportunity Tax Credit By The Numbers 2019

In 2019 there were 2,066,616 total Work Opportunity Tax Credits issued in the United States. CMS estimates the total value of these credits is $4.9 Billion. The number of credits issued in 2019 is down 6.3% from 2018 (see 2018 WOTC Statistics). Which states issued the most WOTC credits in 2019? Texas 166,768 (8.06% of total)[…]


WOTC Questions: Would you have Illinois WOTC statistics available for use in a research project, like this 7/21/17 post about TN?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website’s chat box that we try to answer: Would you have Illinois WOTC statistics available for use in a research project, like this 7/21/17 post about TN? CMS Says: Hello, yes. The latest[…]