WOTC Questions: How Many People Can I Hire?

At CMS, as Work Opportunity Tax Credit “WOTC” subject matter experts and service providers since 1997, we receive a lot of questions via our website and through the webcasts we attend. This week’s WOTC Question comes from our email contact form.

How many people can I hire?

CMS says, this is another fairly common question that we heard from on our webinars this year. The answer is actually very simple: There is no limit. There’s no limit to how many people you hire, and if someone is qualified and receives certification. There is no limit to how many certifications you can receive or use to reduce your taxes.

Contact CMS Today to Start Saving!

In our 20 years of performing WOTC Screening and Administration we’ve saved millions for our customers.

Contact CMS today to start taking advantage. Call 800-517-9099, or click here to use our contact form.